Registration Categories
The following registration categories are available:
- Early bird registration (before August 15, 2006)
- Individual registrations
- Group/Company registration
- Sponsored Africa delegate registration
- Student registration
- Registration of accompanying person
Additional Events
To register please click here
- Pre-Conference Workshops (October 22)
- Gala Dinner Event (October 24)
Categories are defined as follows:
Early bird registration = CDN $550 (±395 Euro)
- Registration must be finalised and paid in full on or before August 15, 2006.
- This registration fee includes the following:
- attendance of the full conference
- attendance at the wine and cheese reception October 22nd
- breakfast and lunch October 23rd, 24th and 25th
- refreshments/coffee breaks
- a copy of the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
Note: Delegates must register and pay separately for accommodation, social events and the Gala Dinner Event
Individual registration = CDN $675 (±495 Euro)
- This is the regular conference registration to be paid in full before the conference date.
- This registration fee includes the following:
- attendance of the full conference
- attendance at the wine and cheese reception October 22nd
- breakfast and lunch October 23rd, 24th and 25th
- refreshments/coffee breaks
- a copy of the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
Note: Delegates must register and pay separately for accommodation, social events and the Gala Dinner Event
Group / Company registration = CDN $550 per person (±395 Euro)
- This conference registration is provided to groups of 5 (five) or more persons of the same organisation. The group registration fee then applies to all the members of the group. Group registration fees must be paid together and in full before or at the latest on the last day of September 2006 to ensure the discount and the places.
- This registration fee includes the following for each delegate:
- attendance of the full conference
- attendance at the wine and cheese reception October 22nd
- breakfast and lunch October 23rd, 24th and 25th
- refreshments/coffee breaks
- a copy of the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
Note: Delegates must register and pay separately for accommodation, social events and the Gala Dinner Event
Sponsored Developing Country delegate registration = Bursaries are available. Approved applications’ conference fee = CDN 250 (±180 Euro)
- Note that a limited number of bursaries have been made available for delegates from Africa. Delegates from developing countries may apply before July 31, 2006 via the Conference Secretariat for a bursary to attend the conference.
- This bursary, if approved, will contribute approximately $100 CDN (±75 EURO) towards the conference fee. If the bursary is allowed, the delegate must pay the difference of CDN $250 to the conference secretariat on or before August 30, 2006 to qualify for the reduced fee.
- Delegates wishing to be considered should send the following information to the Conference Secretariat.
- Title
- Name
- Organization/Institution
- A brief statement outlining the need for the bursary.
- This registration fee includes the following:
- attendance of the full conference
- attendance at the wine and cheese reception October 22nd
- breakfast and lunch October 23rd, 24th and 25th
- refreshments/coffee breaks
- a copy of the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
Note: Delegates must register and pay separately for accommodation, social events and the Gala Dinner Event
Student registration = CDN $250 (±180 Euro)
- In order to support and encourage the attendance and participation of students in mLearn 2006, a reduced fee has been proposed.
- This registration fee includes the following:
- attendance of the full conference
- attendance at the wine and cheese reception October 22nd
- breakfast and lunch October 23rd, 24th and 25th
- refreshments/coffee breaks
- a copy of the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
Note: Delegates must register and pay separately for accommodation, social events and the Gala Dinner Event
Registration of accompanying person = CDN $250 (±180 Euro)
- This conference registration is provided to spouses and children of registered conference delegates. The accompanying person registration is to be paid in full before the conference date.
- This registration fee allows the accompanying person(s) the following:
- attendance of the full conference
- attendance at the wine and cheese reception October 22nd
- breakfast and lunch October 23rd, 24th and 25th
- refreshments/coffee breaks
Note: Accompanying persons must register and pay separately for social events and the Gala Dinner Event. Accompanying persons, who might be interested, may order copies of the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings at additional cost.
Additional Events
Pre-Conference Workshops (October 22)
- Full day workshops: CDN $160
- Half day workshops: CDN $100
- Registration fee includes any materials, and includes lunch.
Register Now
Gala Dinner Event (October 24) CDN $60 (±44 Euro)
- All conference delegates are required to pay separately for the Gala Dinner Event. The Dinner will be very special and memorable experience, with entertainment rich in culture. An event not to be missed.
Register Now
Social events
Various other social events are envisaged. Details and fees for these events will be made available on the conference website in due course and when available.
Arrangements for and costs of accommodation are for the personal and private arrangement of each delegate.
Cancellation policy
Requests for cancellations of registration must be in writing (or via email) to the Conference Secretariat [email protected]. Delegates cancelling before September 31, 2006 will forfeit 50% of their registration fee. No refunds will be considered after this date.
Requests may be made in writing and sent to:
mLearn 2006
Conference Secretariat
Ms. Deborah Zornes
Athabasca University
#1 University Drive
Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3
Oct. 22-25, 2006
Other Important Dates
- May 31, 2006
(NOTE: for students wishing to be considered for grant funding, deadline for abstracts is April 1)
Abstract Submissions - Jul. 31, 2006
Notification of acceptance of abstracts - Aug.15, 2006
Last date for early bird registration - Oct. 1, 2006
Full paper and/or slide show for Technology Showcase - Oct. 1, 2006
Submission of full papers - Oct. 22, 2006
Pre-conference Workshops - Oct. 22-25, 2006
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